Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
If you can't smoke weed all day you can live in the land of make believe to get through the insurmountable hardships of being in America. Mr. Rogers wouldn't approve of Baltimore's heroin trolley. Harvard's Equality of Opportunity Project tries to blame middle-class white people in DuPage County IL for making more $$ than the 10% of Baltimore blacks being ADDICTED to heroin (add recreational user numbers and stir). PS Harvard geniuses are more or less comparing middle-class and upper-middle-class incomes in the article. So why use the word "poor" in the headline? The covid vaccine distribution reality and associated media lies are subtly mocked in this short episode.
The link suggested in the podcast:
The article is pretty dated, but the Liberal strategy of stupid is alive and well.
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Since the month of February can be dedicated to Black achievements a few days it's only fair that March showcase Black shenanigans or outright sedition. This episode covers Judge Emmet Sullivan, who is responsible for A LOT MORE than the political assassination of Gen. Flynn and President Trump. Takeaway: ZERO federal agents and prosecutors have been punished for Brady violations on his big cases. Oh, and he kicks big money for his colleagues to "research and advise" the government on how to stop Brady violations... But, Judge Sullivan then allows these criminal hit-jobs to happen against political rivals. Give Sullivan a turd-trophy.
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Episode 8-Liberals like to argue because their plans always fail
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Nobody gets everything right every time. It seems liberals are trying to get everything wrong every time though. Because taking everything that isn't bolted down in the name of climate-race-gender-whatever justice is worth it. Win at any cost, even if you pay a $1 trillion dollars for a $3 participation trophy (because if you take away your enemy's capital he can't go about his business). They've convinced a little mob (not anywhere near becoming a majority) to take from others before the federal government steps in and does the same...
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Episode 7 Floating the Red State & Red County secession plan.
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Does anybody think any red counties in blue states are going to stick around when the red states leave? The possibility of a "red county boogie" changes things. If we were to apply Marxist threats city slickers would be paying a lot more for staple items... Imagine monthly food assistance cards requiring $5,000 transfers. In this episode I introduce the $100,000 GoFundMe prize. It's a reward for the first American citizen who can explain the technicals behind the three-plus year Russia hoax. Rules and restrictions: you can't use treason/sedition, corruption/incompetence AND the explanation must embrace the body of evidence (that the investigation was unfounded). (The HPSCI stuff is joooocy!) This GoFundMe is all about reunifying the country.
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Marxist Democrats aren't that bad (once you get past their lies, crimes, violence, bad ideas, and condescending attitudes). This episode covers the following:
Enhanced attitude-altering feature behind the Corona-fascist lockdown. Using anarcho-communist tactics the pack of DC/media/Intelligence Community liars forced people from the mostly "free" lives they loved into hateful little covens.
Why total control of all conversations mattered (and still matters).
Freakish disparate treatment of liberal and moderate/conservative Americans (displaced by barrage of fake disparity justice issues).
Idiotic messaging and optics based on the "shame you into a con-job" model that Obama brought to Washington.
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
If you don't agree with the content that's okay. You've either burned out on the constantly changing details (or living in an oppressive State sounds good right about now). We have only a few trustworthy people in Congress. You can tell who they are because no one in fake news takes those folks seriously--or they're being targeted and reduced. Yes, it's that easy. There was seditious conspiracy behind the Russia hoax. Why wouldn't those same players commit election fraud?
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
The Hypocrisy Behind the Green New Deal and the Strategy to Pull it off
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Whether you believe human activities can bring about catastrophic change or not isn't really the point argued in this episode. It's more that AOC and Joe Biden are poster-child style hypocrites (both promote agendas that are contrary to the tenets of anthropic climate change). The GREEN NEW DEAL is a "have your cake and everyone else's too" program, like illegal immigration and race equity. I shoulda used more Marxist Democrat lies to liven the place up...
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Is Qanon a CIA psyop Lincoln Project that actually worked?
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
It didn't take long for conservatives to realize the Lincoln Project was hot garbage. But Qanon was the enigma that promoted inaction when action was necessary. It wouldn't be the first, second, or third time that the enemy pretended to not be the enemy...