Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
This is an experimental episode. I tried making as much fun of a few people who influenced me into casting pods. It isn't what you think, this is cruelty at its finest. Some people make BIG MONEY destroying the country and our liberties. Thought I'd try thinking and talking like a jerk--for free!
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
The CDC/WHO are doing a lousy job of guiding us through the pandemic. You know what they should start with? Vitamin-D testing. (This "vitamin" is a hormone that marshals immune signals.) The Marxist lockdown didn't help. BECAUSE OF THIS MANY OF US HAVE A COMPROMISED IMMUNE SYSTEM!
*****People who’ve been vaccinated need to watch for news about antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) which isn’t super common, nor is it rare. Best case? There won't be a Covid variant that your body “takes a liking to”. The vaccine coaches your people into creating certain antibodies. Worst case? Such a variant comes along. Regardless of the way antibodies are raised (vaccine or surviving the illness) early treatments like Ivermectin, HCQ, and acetylcysteine should be better tested AND documented if the need arises.
Please look everything up, help keep your family and friends informed.
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
1. It’s insane for "Democrats" to talk about rules and laws when Democrats have broken EVERYTHING in their quest for socialism. The "Jim Crow" filibuster was Obama’s dope dealer in 2005. The Democrats' fight is too stupid to matter. Because all they want is socialism, or for their enemies to take them on. If WE lose this fight they will point to it as proof that socialism is "the will of the American people". Please, don't lose this fight.
2. Lies about hate crimes and why white nationalism is blamed for everything. (If white supremacy was a thing it would have stopped the other thing. Yet black on white victimization is 9x white on black violence, weird.)
3. Election law nonsense. Democrats are lying some more.
4. The Obama recovery vs. the actual Trump job recovery (quantified).
5. The 2020 elections were so legit they need to be fortified by getting rid of every known security measure?
Obama-era CFPB and DOJ shakedown big business forcing $millions into the hands of untaxed un-monitored urban liberal organizations (so THOSE organizations can do socialist stuff government Leftists can’t). https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/cfpb-diverts-civil-penalty-funds-to-democrat-activist-groups/
Stop lying, the Obama economy was lousy, Obama did NOTHING for Black America. https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/02/under-trump-americans-have-seen-their-best-wage-growth-in-40-years/
Why the things Leftists say don’t matter. Useless deep state Supreme Court appointments are rendered useless by liberal agenda. Justice Boasberg letting evidence criminal Kevin Clinesmith go unpunished said everything.
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
It's time to force Congress to pass a law that silences and punishes them after they deceive the American people. Accountability of media and Big Tech should be right behind that. Will those parties embrace that? No, but simply presenting Congress with an alternative would be enough if they weren't walled off from the world. Make it clear this priority exceeds "suggestion" level importance.PS-Wanna bet vast new powers are consolidated into the office of the president before lockdowns end? Maybe not, but Joe Biden has been asking historians how he can qualify as the greatest Marxist president in history. Coincidence?
Or, we could just plan our socialist retirements in peace.
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
It's not weird that Democrats are bringing back Jim Crow. (Because THEY were the Jim Crow folks a few years ago.)
Human: Overtaxing the rich has never worked.Socialist: that's because they had freedom and liberty every time we tried to seize their wealth--it'll work under tyranny because tyrants will force the outcome.Human: Forced outcomes provide fleeting conditions.
Joe Briben's handler forgot to tell him minors crossing the border were being horribly abused. Joe thinks kids should be bought and sold by their parents and traffickers. BTW-the cages were his and Obama's. Cliffnotes: it's always Trump's fault.
The Illinois Fair-Tax Act was socialism on the ballot. A no strings attached "lower your taxes by hammering the wealthy" ballot measure failed in DEEP BLUE ILLINOIS in 2020. The popularity of socialism is fake theatre. (It's a power grab ploy and we should thank Big Tech and lying media for the high-quality Nobel, Oscar, Pulitzer, Emmy, Grammy Awards work.)
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
How the Left Wants a War
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
The Left is prepared for a war to make America a socialist nation, or it'll just become one quietly before self-destruction. What would lead us to this observation? The FBI, CIA, and NSA lying to the country (to help socialists). The media making coordinated efforts to lie to the American people and Big Tech's follow up boosting of lies in searches and suppression of evidence that damages active socialists. Congress is walling itself off behind concertina wire and thousands of National Guard troops--after years of work spreading disgusting lies--to quietly finish the socialist conversion. The Supreme Court showed its true colors. Justice Boasberg had the perpetrator of the most prolific case of falsified evidence presented to the FISA Court in front of him. Boasberg handed down the harsh sentence of "the media said bad things about you" to Kevin Clinesmith. IG Michael Horowitz didn't think the same two FBI employees talking about setting up Donald Trump WITHOUT evidence and talking about the evidence THE FBI HAD ON Hillary Clinton without an investigation constituted political bias. The media and Congress ignore decades of black on Asian violence and black on white violence but screech about one recent event with other underlying issues. (SOMEONE ELSE GETS TO DECIDE YOUR MOTIVES NOW.) Judges let juvenile murderers out when they turn 21, then seal their records. Judge sentences black teen with "anger management" after the teen beat a 59-year-old man to death at a Maryland county fair for not giving him a reparations payment. Need a bit more convincing? Black on white violent victimization happens, on average, 1060 times every day in the US. Why don't we hear much about that? Because there hasn't been a violent response, that's why. Why did the media and Congress become advocates for one group? The truth is that we've come to tolerate or ignore uncomfortable truths over time. The Left acts like violence doesn't happen, it's a myth like Antifa (blocking for BLM socialists).
P.S. Black on Asian violence is 85% of ALL violence in the SF Bay Area.
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Politicians, show us another field that enriches the professional even after customers are dissatisfied, tortured by your preferred class of citizen, or dead. The mortician perhaps? Fed up people need to tell these elected goofballs we "saw what you did there". We should be very proud of 2020, after two decades of lazy murderers we set enough free from prison to get back to record high homicides. Looking forward to reviewing the Pravda government provided border crisis videos and photos! Is it too wintery for AOC to wear white for this upcoming photo-op?
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
1. South Miami is being torn up by college students on spring break--but arresting them is racist. Most of the locals being harmed are minorities themselves so the media blitz is very strange and dishonest. Were bail funds and compliant judges set up for these folks too? So it's cool now to allow a destructive swarm to descend on your community and go wild. It's not cool to try to stop it. It's not cool to talk about it. Got it.
2. Does it make sense to devote years to a degree program and then demand (through violence and special interest politics) that society dismantle the structures that support your field and your future? How else do you ready yourself for the new Utopia when you have no idea what it will look like?