Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Does changing the setting but leaving the basic arguments and cast of characters intact make the BLM movement and its demands sound insane? Is this exercise too abstract? Let me know.
I'd like to think liberal America understands that living life dangerously is often... dangerous. Which means young people living dangerous lives of crime are more likely to die young. That concept shouldn't be too complicated for most. Fake news has been telling us homicide rates and violent crime statistics don't "paint the full picture" or "provide the nuance necessary" to see racism in America. It doesn't take more than a few brain cells to realize gangs and drug dealers kill each other (and innocent people nearby) every day. The death of repeat offenders only matters when the felon is a person of color at the hands of a white cop. Congress and prosecutors across the nation are re-opening cases left and right to add evidence to very old and very decided police involved shootings. That evidence is opinion, which is now admissible because it was the only kind of "evidence" used to impeach Trump twice. Q: Why is something "settled" when it's pleasing to a Marxist agenda-but everything counterpoint is "unsupported" until it's "Marxist settled"?
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Lester Holt channeled his inner Obama to tell us the media has a responsibility to cover news to protect public health and safety. Really?
Well, the media can start by not covering police involved shootings with "experts" who insist racism is to blame before evidence is presented.
Or, that arguments are "unsupported" because journalists refuse to cover events--or wait until after an event has stopped damaging society before they post the piece as a footnote on page 93.
The media STILL covers Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee who (in a Congressional hearing) stated that Michael Brown was a victim of racist policing. President Obama and Eric Holder sent a huge team of investigators and came back empty "racism" handed. Jackson-Lee chided AG William Barr for not re-opening ANOTHER Obama-era shooting, that of Tamir Rice.
America, keep electing Soros prosecutors and we will end up putting the Civil War on trial one day. BTW, why don't real-time Chicago shootings matter?
If Dr. Fauci was in charge of fire control and told us the NYC fire "was less than a barbecue grill" and "fire extinguishers don't work" yet the country burned like it has during the Covid pandemic would people still listen to his "wisdom"?
Ratings are cash, are news networks hurting so badly that they have to prostitute themselves? Put your big-boy pants back on, Lester...
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Happy Easter. Did Hunter O'Briben paint crack rock eggs for the little ones?
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
This is a mini-episode that explains who Hunter is by describing the "stuff" he did with his convicted felon business associates. It looks like John Kerry's stepson, Chris Ketchup is the last free co-conspirator. The $20 million dollar question: how is Hunter going to skirt the firearm registration form that he signed. On that form he attested to not using crack every day for 20 years (or something like that). But his new book tour/sympathy fundraiser speaks a different story. (Anyone else would be in prison for doing this.) As expected, the "we're wrong about everything" media thinks a Hunter book is long overdue, yet most of us see it as Hunter's new scam to take money from gullible people--unless Joe still takes his 50% of course.
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Domestic terrorists ran the streets last summer. Members of Congress said it was "justifiable anger based on [insert deception]". Nobody has been able to prove [insert deception], including Barack Obama when he had a "wingman" looking out for him. Oddly enough, Trump was accused of having a "wingman" when he had the support of (his family and perhaps two or three politicians). Establishment politicians will never go all-in on sensible ideas after they've been conned into believing insane is the new sensible. The bottom line? In 2021 you can't attach values to human life AND you can't say "all lives matter". Weird, huh?
I talk about the conservative/moderate influencer purge that happened before the 2020 election admitting that, until recently, I had no idea it was SO coordinated across platforms and so widespread. A premeditated purge of that magnitude and at that precise moment makes election fraud much more plausible. I'd bet $$$ Joe's numbers were starting to make his "win" less believable.
Hunter Briben, Ukraine, China and Joe's violent dark side. BTW, Joe is more worried about Ukraine v. Russia than the BORDER CRISIS. Too bad Joe wasn't in charge of Ukraine relations when Russia violated the region; tough-talking Joe would have dragged Putin behind the woodshed I'm sure. Lastly, Kamel Hairs giggles her way out of answering questions on the border crisis. Do they fear the cackle of the female Joker? Such role models...
Be on the lookout for "restorative justice". That's when a judge "rights the wrongs of the past" by not punishing the violent transgressions of today.
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
This episode asks a few questions about the Chauvin trial proceedings, connects that weirdness with anti-police Chicago prosecutor weirdness, then discloses the secret way to become a star. All you have to do is victimize your "bad self" by using Gorilla glue as a beauty aid. BTW, televised court proceedings are starting to sound like tabloids on hallucinogens and 3.1x the lethal dose of fentanyl. When America takes the stand nowadays it flings opinion like George Floyd and his counterfeit Jacksons...
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
I'm waiting for the day we hear an elected official say "I would like to do that, but there are people above me who've made commitments to the people (who burn cities and assassinate citizens and cops)". They're suggesting the path to peace and justice is taking away citizens' rights and extending those rights to violent criminals? By the way, when a government official says something STUPID like that ask her for specific names, then write those names down. It isn't radical, it's sanity.
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
People of faith should act as though they are accountable every second of their lives. The moral compass with faith doesn't fail, though we may stumble. One would think this is a good thing-even for people of other faiths or of no faith at all. But it isn't, and now they wish to break that bond to exert greater China-like control. The Left has control over earthly leaders, and they're moving up a food chain of sorts. Government is their religion. They sacrifice their enemies on a social media altar.
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
This episode addresses the peace and harmony during the Obama and Biden socialist regimes that liberals brag about. Their secret is running the country like China does (control the media and flow information, write all of the news like movie scripts, change election rules as needed, and lock up whistleblowers and non-conformists). A priceless clip of Obama delivering a lie/explanation about IRS targeting that was so intricately crafted it screams PREMEDITATION. Bottom line: even when mediocre Republicans do something wrong it's never part of a fight to make America socialist again. The natural outrage which should have followed the Obama era was canceled because his minions were given massaged lies before scandals broke and dribbled crafted tweaks until people stopped paying attention. Hey, wasn't Ben Rhodes a fiction writer before they created a national security position for him?