Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
What should We the People have the freedom to do in response to state-run media lying about everything? Whatever they feel like is an acceptable response. The federal government hates you, and that's on a good day.
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Individuals will begin to compare the value of their suffering due to the lies about Covid that Dr. Fauci spread. Some will determine that their loyalty cost them more than the "crumbs" of the Marxist promised land offers in return.
Once friendly countries are losing patience, and now that the truth is out they'll have decisions to make.
I can't imagine continued support for this bogus administration will come cheaply.
Sucks to be wrong about everything--and to get caught being wrong.
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
One potato, two potato. Time has revealed another nasty volume of Democrat work, Dr. Fauci's emails. Did you lose a business? A grandparent? Every step of what America went through was by design. Go read the emails. Then throw this absurdity on the stack of Democrat populace abuses, alongside the IRS Tea Party targeting, and the Russia Hoax starring a weaponized intelligence community. This government no longer deserves the consent of the governed. Too bad you can't submit or rally around a White House petition anymore. Time to alter or abolish with an emphasis on abolish.
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Congressman Adam Kinzinger is a fake Republican douchebag
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Apparently nobody gave him the memo. News outlets were editing a speech Congressman Matt Gaetz gave recently. Kinzinger took to social media with the gusto of fake outrage--either he's lying or he's an idiot who won't admit he didn't know the story was made up.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
The federal government no longer deserves the consent of the People to govern. They need to stop lying before more people get hurt.
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
There are two explanations for this deception:
1. Social media platforms are suppressing their own liberals to contain and control. (It sounds nuts, but that's what the Awan Brothers were hired to do to House Democrats--take down anyone with loose lips or cold feet.)
2. There's a "no-go do not engage" order that even those unable to self-regulate follow without fail.
I tested this 10 times by posting the most controversial findings regarding the Russia hoax. In every case, not one person refuted or challenged my post. That's statistically impossible. At least one anarchist would have--or should have--responded.
Perhaps I was right about the Left accepting the task of acting pissed off and going on the offensive for five years. Faux outrage. It beats paying for your crimes.
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Maybe it's time to push back on the lack of integrity and character displayed by those who still pretend the Russia hoax was real. If anyone cared to look, we know who came up with the idea, why they ran with it, who briefed President Obama about it, who had to erase damning evidence about the fraud investigation it was etc. Your friendly neighborhood Democrat was trained to hate and that's how bizarre seditious behavior became "patriotic". Sure, weird mistakes happen but when it comes to the anti-Republican events there are way too many massive unanswered "mistakes". Strangely enough, there's a revolving door of dirty players. Keep an eye on the fake January 6th trials. The judge who ended up hearing those cases is one of the dirty players, weird.
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
The reality: legal unemployment edged up to 6.1% in April. The job estimates were about 734,000 jobs short of analyst predictions. The other reality: existing businesses lost employees to illegals. Those off-book jobs don't contribute taxes, have no benefits programs, and pay cash while allowing workers to collect Covid bonuses--the "stimmies". They're using unemployment insurance fraud... Like I brought up in March. Sometimes I don't like being right about bad things people do. This is one of those times. Why? Because if they can't force us to work for Amazon or Walmart (to control you) they can get you to work for Unclo Julio because Julio put existing businesses (that follow the rules) into bankruptcy. Your state government has to know about it, because unemployment identity theft is up 4800% in some areas.
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Antifa, BLM, and Democrats (the fringe element assisted into office by fringe money) need each other. It's a shame the FBI doesn't perform as it should anymore because they would be able to expose Antifa/BLM communications and coordination. Too bad the FBI was co-opted by Democrats. The country suffers because they all have dirt on each other. This episode is a bit "rambly" but touches on a very important identification of the new axis of evil.