Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
There's a bunch of interconnected "stuff" in this episode. The fact that the FBI is inciting violence through dishonest reactive aggression stories and criminal application of instrumental violence techniques should rock your boat. Look it up, the intelligence community knows better than anyone how to make riots look like a logical outcome (that covers the FBI's ass).
The govern-media isn't backing down from the fake irreconcilable differences narrative. The truth is they only represent bots, fringe weirdos, and people who would stab you for the last bite of your hoagie.
The FBI is responsible for "excess violence" since 2016.
Why we should rely more on common sense when the govern-media narrative is obviously wrong.
Us (sane people) don't fly off the handle and act unless we're 99.9% sure our data/information is solid. Our rivals terrorize anyone for sport.
America is like Russia--but sneakier. And, it's a 3% better place to retire.
Basically every piece of news you get from state-run media is filtered or written by the FBI. (See: Peter Strzok text messages.)
You simply have to see the 2000 Mules movie, and you must take notes. The sequel will be titled "One Jackass" starring Joe Biden.
Sunday May 08, 2022
The show is back with a ”fun” new name.
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
This episode drops hints about future shows and (almost) begs for topics you're interested in. I'm sitting on a stack of stuff.
Thank Moms everywhere.
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Drop Your Shorts: It’s Impossible For January 6th To Be An Insurrection
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
An insurrection is an action taken to remove an established government. There's too much "Emocrat" and Marxist sedition for the current administration to be considered duly established.
PS-If you want conservatives and independents to stop talking about Hillary Clinton and Obama you should ask both of them to not head up seditious acts. Thanks!
Friday Dec 31, 2021
More sleazy tactics that will destroy the country.
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Back by unpopular demand.
This episode swirls around the recent Rogel Aguilera-Mederos "killer-trucker" sentencing debacle. The deaths were a tragedy that Marxists decided to cash in on.
Here's the cliff notes: Asst. DAs deliberately made the charging documents a crapstorm. The goal is to make minimum sentencing guidelines go away so bad guys doing bad things for bad people don't have to see the inside of prisons. After the dust settles, Marxist handlers promote their appointed government officials to bigger and better things. They had to run coordinated riots to win the DA's office in the first place. This isn't democracy.
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
What kind of political party has to lie to create heroes? Yes, this is a hit piece.
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
On November 18, 1978 a political staffer joined with others (including journalists) on a flight to investigate a cult in a third world country. They thought they could fix a situation. The cult leader, realizing that the secret would be exposed, talked 900 members into consuming poison shortly afterwards. That delegation was ambushed when it tried to return to the United States. Today, that staffer is a member of Congress. Jackie Speier (D-CA) is a hero to Marxists in America.
Fast forward to 2021, when journalists and Marxists heap praise on her resilience and strength because Jackie recovered after being shot 5 times. No mention of the stupidity of the plan in the first place--remember only the State's mechanisms are responsible for bad outcomes. People don't make dangerous decisions, the State makes bad things happen to innocent people is their mantra.
Compare the position of those heaping praise for Speier against the reaction to the random assassination of a police officer by a serial criminal. "Well, he should have known people would try to kill him when he took the job."
That's Leftist wisdom for you...
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
We could learn so much from Critical Racist Theory.Lesson 1: the media makes everything up (even putting words in experts' mouths).Lesson 2: conversation rules change every minute.Lesson 3: when the present is painful, reimagine the past.
"Everyone gets a free ride" *rules apply. Landlords are STILL getting screwed. By. The. Government. The moratorium on evictions should be viewed as taxable income. Not everyone benefitted, but the Right will have to pay for this.
Normal working Americans were busy working and couldn't cash in on the riot movement last summer. They still get a turn, but when and over what issues? Communism might be the threshold.
The Left has finally come out and said it. "The Bible is an evil tool that Republicans turn to." Tell us how you really feel...
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Remember high school? We learned stuff we thought we'd never use. Like what an author and director are actually trying to teach us with their productions. I take aim at that in this episode. They use "cute" kids animated features to inspire us to hate parts of civilization that socialists find offensive. Weird. Kids movies have been exposing them to this for years, but adults aren't ready for critical racism training. Even Marxist talk show hosts are backpedaling--which is a start...
An update on the James Marshall shot a guy in the head because BLM story. (He has hearings in Colorado beginning July 2nd.) Should Colorado burn if the judge doesn't do what we demand? It's weird just typing it, can't imagine how weird it must have been for Democrats in Congress planning the riots last summer.
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wuhanovirus: the Delta variant took more lives in the UK from the vaccinated hospitalized population than the unvaccinated hospitalized population. Oops. (There were fewer than 100 total deaths, so simmer down Karen.) Listen for the numbers. Let's hope the virus isn't mutating towards that ADE we talked about!
Inflation, it's not just for breakfast in the US anymore, it's hitting developed supply chain/trade partners abroad. It's also just a small part of the Fed's torture plan. Shortages of nice things like food are looming.
Why the minimum wage battle is evil. The people promoting a massive wage increase know full well who the battle will harm. They must like hate-filled Americans.